Lowrance HDS LIVE product review On February 11, 2019
The HDS LIVE is the latest addition to the HDS family.
This is a list of the most obvious changes
The menus and features have changed some. For example the Pages left side list has shortened and the access to Files is now called Storage.
The Side Scan/DownScan/and 3D are now all separate icons.
The 2 transducer ports are now 9 pin which now have transducerĀ ID so you plug it in and the software identifies the transducer so you don't have to select it. The black 9 pin hasn't changed but the blue port is still blue but has changed from 7 to 9 pin.
There is a HDMI video in to hook up to the HD Aqua-Vu cameras.
The buttons have changed, the top right button is now the waypoint button instead of the Pages button. Now I have to program my mind to quit pushing the waypoint button!
Some buttons are programmable on the larger models.Watch this short video for details.
The new Active Imaging transducers produce very good side scan imaging like the 3D transducer does and makes the LIVE more affordable to get great side scan.
And coming in 2019 is the new LiveSight which will show the fish swimming on the screen!
And I bet Lowrance will add more features since that is a pattern when they release a new product!